March 22, 2011


Focus 5-4
Open: Focus 5-4
Copy & Paste the question below into Word:

When you convert from an English measurement to a Metric measurement, you multiply by a number. For example, to find out how many kilograms are in 10 pounds, you multiply 10 by .454. To find out how many meters are in 10 yards, you multiply 10 by .914. This is the procedure for every conversion except for one. When you convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, you subtract 32 and multiply by 1/9.
Why does the temperature conversion require a subtraction and a multiplication, while all the other conversions require just a multiplication?
Compare the zeros.

 Answer the question using complete sentences

BIM 1 
Chemistry & Physics Review - get all posted to Wiki
Class Wiki - logging in & loading Prezi to

4th -- UIL - work on Practice Tests
    BIM 2 & Digital Media
    Discuss MOS certification & begin Reviewing for Test on April 5

    Tech App 8
    Finish Animated PP
    Have Ms. Allen up load to PP Binder
    Present to Class


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