March 21, 2011


Focus 5-4
Create a New Word Document - Save As: Focus 5-4
Copy & Paste the question below into Word:

Little Johnny, after a science lesson on the laws of gravity, returned home, determined to prove his teacher Mr. Knowles wrong.
"Not everything that goes up comes back down, and I'll prove it!" After some brainstorming, he placed a bowl of water in the 12PM, windless, Sunday sun, and watched as it evapourated. "It all went up," he said.
The next day at school, he confronted his teacher about his little science project. But Mr. Knowles told Little Johnny that he was a bit short sighted. How so?

 Answer the question using complete sentences

BIM 1 
Class Wiki - logging in & loading Prezi to
Biology Review - get all posted to Wiki

4th -- UIL - work on Practice Tests
    BIM 2 & Digital Media
    Discuss MOS certification & begin Reviewing for Test on April 5

    Tech App 8
    Finish Animated PP
    Have Ms. Allen up load to PP Binder
    Present to Class


      Focus Cool Math  or Logic Games Activity Career Exploration 82e64e924e