October 6, 2010


Focus 2-2 -Word 
Copy & paste the following question and choices.  Tell why all the choices are either wrong or right and why.

Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?
A.      Ton of feathers
B.      Ton of bricks
C.      Neither
D.      Weigh the same  

Proof Practice 2-1 - on your own
Type in Parker Letter

Proof Practice 2-1 - on your own
  1. Research the Admission's address for 3 colleges.  
  2. Save addresses into a Word document - College Addresses
  3. Start a Letter Mail Merge
  4. Create a Recipient List from the 3 College Addresses

Digital Media
Create a logo out of name

Tech App 8
Movie Maker - Topic Movie
Create Movie


    Focus Cool Math  or Logic Games Activity Career Exploration 82e64e924e