October 5, 2010


Focus 2-2 -Word 
Copy the question and choices below.  Tell why choices are either right or wrong and why.

One day, a boy noticed a man selling balloons that he was blowing up by himself. Being a young child, he was excited and ran to get one. When he bought it, however, it wouldn't float up in the air. Why is that?
A.      It had a hole in it
B.      It was too cold outside for it to float
C.      Blown up with oxygen which does not float
D.      Blown up with carbon dioxide which does not float

Proofing Practice P-1 together
Type in Wigington Letter
  • Use correct format
  • Correct from given proofreader marks

Proofing Practice P-1 together
Type in Parker
  • Use correct format
  • Correct from given proofreader marks

Digital Media
Create a logo out of name

Tech App 8
Movie Maker - Topic Movie
Create Movie


    Focus Cool Math  or Logic Games Activity Career Exploration 82e64e924e